January 21, 2014
This PowerShell script will collect all Netlogon.log files from the Domain Controllers, export the last x lines and combine it into one file of unique IP Addresses in CSV format. This easily and simply allows you to then identify any missing subnets that need to be added and associated to an Active Directory Site. Yes, there […]
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January 6, 2014
This PowerShell script will enumerate all user accounts in a Domain, calculate their UserAccountControl flags and create a report of the “interesting” flags in CSV format. The interesting flags are those you are interested in reporting on as documented in Microsoft KB305144 such as: SCRIPT ACCOUNTDISABLE HOMEDIR_REQUIRED LOCKOUT PASSWD_NOTREQD PASSWD_CANT_CHANGE ENCRYPTED_TEXT_PWD_ALLOWED TEMP_DUPLICATE_ACCOUNT NORMAL_ACCOUNT INTERDOMAIN_TRUST_ACCOUNT WORKSTATION_TRUST_ACCOUNT SERVER_TRUST_ACCOUNT DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWORD MNS_LOGON_ACCOUNT […]
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